Economic Theory, Inequality, and Oppression At this panel discussion, current PPE Research Fellows David Bieri, Melinda Miller, and Philip Yaure will discuss their fascinating work on the history of economic thought, economic inequality, and inclusive citizenship. Dr. Bieri’s research engages with August Loesch’s theory of spatial economics and liberal democracy, Dr. Miller’s work explores the relationship between institutions and economic inequality, and Dr. Yaure’s research develops a republican theory of citizenship that counteracts oppression and fosters inclusiveness. Join this informal, yet intellectually rich discussion. All faculty and students are welcome to attend. The panel discussion will take place on March 10, 2021, from 4-5:30pm via Zoom. Here is the Zoom link for the meeting. Please log into your Zoom account with your Virginia Tech email address. About 105 faculty members and students attended the panel discussion. Here are a few Zoom snapshots. Share this post: Posted on February 23, 2021