CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research Kellogg Center Launches International Undergraduate Journal in PPE The Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics has launched an international undergraduate journal in PPE. The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Review publishes original research…
CategoriesPPE News PPE Events Spring 2021 This semester, the Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics will organize the following events and activities. PPE Research Fellow Panel. The Center’s research fellows…
CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research Fellowships PPE Research Fellows: 2020-2021 The Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics offers fellowships that support interdisciplinary research in PPE and provide scholars with the opportunity to present their…
CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research CfP: Strategic Justice, Conventions, and Game Theory (Thrasher & Moehler) Guest Editors. John Thrasher (Chapman University) and Michael Moehler (Virginia Tech) will be guest editors for a Topical Collection on “Strategic Justice, Conventions, and Game…
CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research Maria Snegovaya Publishes on Politics, Governance, and Foreign Policy Maria Snegovaya, a PPE Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, has published several articles on politics, governance, and foreign policy….
CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research Michael Moehler Publishes on Climate Change Michael Moehler, Director of the Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, published a book chapter on contractarianism and climate change. The chapter is part…
CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research Book Launch Event: Sudipta Sarangi Publishes The Economics of Small Things Sudipta Sarangi, Head of the Department of Economics and PPE Stakeholder member, has published a book with the title The Economics of Small Things. The book should be…
CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research Byron Tsang Publishes on Adam Smith’s Political Economy Byron Tsang, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and PPE Affiliated Faculty member, recently published an article on Adam Smith’s political economy. The article…
CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research Fellowships Call for Applications: PPE Research Fellowships 2020-2021 Starting this fall semester, the Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics will offer several research fellowships per year, mainly (but not exclusively) for PPE…
CategoriesPPE News, PPE Research Eric Bahel Receives Patricia Caldwell Faculty Fellowship Eric Bahel, an Associate Professor of Economics and PPE Affiliate, has been named the Patricia Caldwell Faculty Fellow by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors….