PPE Research Fellow Panel: Redistricting, Citizenship, and Solidarity

April 17, 2024 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm America/New York Timezone
GCL Multipurpose Room (Graduate Life Center)

At this panel discussion, current PPE Research Fellows Nicholas Goedert, Lillian Frost, and Philip Yaure will discuss their work on redistricting, citizenship, and solidarity.

Dr. Goedert’s work, with the use of simulation technology, explores potential tradeoffs between democratic norms in congressional districting. Dr. Frost’s work analyzes the notion of citizenship, in particular its legislation and operation in practice, with a focus on Jordan and refugee groups. Dr. Yaure’s work explores how, under conditions of oppression, confrontation and conflict can be used as ways of solidarity between groups whose interests are opposed.

Join this informal, yet intellectually rich discussion. All faculty and students are welcome to attend.

If you are an individual with a disability and desire an accommodation, please contact Holly Belcher (hollymb2@nullvt.edu) at least ten business days before the event.

Price: Free
Sponsor: Administration
Homepage: http://www.calendar.vt.edu/index.php?calendarid=clahs
Contact: Michael Moehler
E-Mail:: moehler@nullvt.edu

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