PPE Ambassadorships The Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics provides selected undergraduate students the opportunity to serve as ambassadors for the program. PPE Undergraduate Student Ambassadors develop leadership and professional skills and gain a unique networking experience at Virginia Tech. My involvement with the PPE program has been fulfilling. The program introduced me to new ways of thinking and allowed me to develop many new and valuable perspectives. James Vasile, PPE Undergraduate Student Ambassador As a PPE Ambassador I am able to attend the PPE Speaker Series lunches and dinners, where I have had several wonderful, career developing conversations with faculty and guest speakers. Tessa Dean, PPE Undergraduate Student Ambassador The PPE Undergraduate Student Ambassador program served as a door opener for my college experience: offering both professional development and academic exposure. Miles Franklin, PPE Undergraduate Student Ambassador PPE Undergraduate Journal The Center houses an international undergraduate journal, The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Review. The journal publishes original research in PPE and welcomes submissions from current or recent undergraduate students in PPE worldwide. The journal offers a unique forum for a growing international undergraduate community in PPE and encourages submissions from a diverse group of authors, in particular from underrepresented groups. The journal is student-led and provides undergraduate students with valuable experiential learning opportunities (for more information, see here). After articles are accepted, authors work with the reviewers of their articles to prepare their manuscripts for publication. Play the PPER Journal | Kellogg Center video PPER Journal | Kellogg Center 4:16 Close Video The editorial board and editorial advisory board of the journal is composed of PPE Undergraduate Student Ambassadors, PPE Core Faculty, PPE Research Fellows, and Affiliated Faculty members. Here is more information about the journal, including submission guidelines. Here is a VT News story about the journal. PPE Reading Group The PPE Reading Group is a semester-long forum that is separate and distinct from the classroom experience. The PPE Reading Group allows faculty and students to engage with some of the most important work in PPE in an intellectual, yet relaxed environment. Enjoy small group discussions with free pizza and soft drinks. PPE Cinema: Spring 2025 PPE Cinema: Fall 2024 PPE Game (Theory) Night: Spring 2024 PPE Cinema The PPE Cinema brings together faculty, students, and members of the public to watch and discuss films that raise questions in philosophy, politics, and economics. The Center typically organizes several screenings per year. Food and beverages are provided. PPE Cinema PPE Game (Theory) Night Are you interested in strategic thinking? Do you enjoy thinking a few steps ahead? At the core of PPE analysis lies the essence of strategic thinking and problem solving. Each month, participants will engage in the study and play of a popular board game or card game. Together, students will explore optimal strategies through gameplay and thoughtful discussion. Participants will also have the chance to compete for exciting prizes, making the learning experience both enjoyable and rewarding. PPE Discussion Colloquia The Center organizes daylong discussion colloquia for selected undergraduate students. The colloquia employ the Socratic method and provide students with an opportunity to explore, discuss, and challenge ideas about different aspects of society. Our students have also been invited to participate in the National Undergraduate PPE Colloquium. I have never attended an educational event as enriching and engaging. I am exceptionally grateful for the opportunity to have attended, and I look forward to further contributing to the program. It’s hard to find a respectable forum for prolonged, civil discourse on topics I care about with others who are informed on these topics. I’m very grateful for this experience. I really enjoyed the colloquium discussion. It was great hearing different perspectives on current issues facing humanity! It has been one of my favorite experiences at Virginia Tech. This program facilitated the type of open, intellectual discussion often associated with collegiate activities, but which I have rarely been able to actually experience in the current times. This program allowed me to communicate with people from many different backgrounds who have a wide variety of opinions and points of view on the topic. It was engaging and interesting to hear the questions and answers posed during discussion. I had a blast, the discussion leader was fantastic at incorporating new and interesting ideas, and the other students were thoughtful and respectful. PPE Undergraduate Club The PPE Undergraduate Club aims to foster discussions centered on interdisciplinary topics while supporting the University’s principles of community. The club is student-led and meets regularly during the semester. PPE Student Interest Meeting Join the PPE Club at Gobblerfest PPE Club Interest Meeting The PPE Club is recognized as a Local Chapter of the international Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society. For more information about the activities of the PPE Club, please visit GobblerConnect. PPE Student Award Each year, the Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics honors an undergraduate student who is graduating with a major in PPE with the PPE Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award. This award recognizes academic excellence, as well as extracurricular accomplishments, leadership, and community engagement. The award winner receives a small prize. In addition, the Center features an interview with the award winner on its website. Here are our past award winners and interviews. 2024 PPE Outstanding Student Award Winner Erin McAndrews 2023 PPE Outstanding Student Award Winner Christopher Royal 2022 PPE Outstanding Student Award Winner Skyler Powell 2021 PPE Outstanding Student Award Winner Zeb Dempsey