Call for Speaker Nominations for PPE Distinguished Public Lecture

The Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Virginia Tech will host its first annual PPE Distinguished Public Lecture in the fall semester 2016 and seeks nominations from students and faculty for the speaker of the event.

The PPE Distinguished Public Lecture aims to foster dialogue among students, faculty, and the general public about core problems that our contemporary societies face. The speaker will be a distinguished scholar of international reputation whose research cuts across the disciplinary boundaries of philosophy, political science, and economics and has significant social relevance, including in areas such as business, engineering, public policy, and environmental conservation.

Please submit your speaker nominations for the PPE Distinguished Public Lecture by December 09, 2015, to Professor Michael Moehler (

The PPE Distinguished Public Lecture is supported by the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Political Science, and the Department of Economics, as well as the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and the College of Science at Virginia Tech.

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